I really need to get better at this 'updating my blog' thing.
Right, so where did we leave off?
Ah, yes! I went back to Nottingham to pack up and move the last bits and pieces with Stuart, and Carly and Rob both very kindly helped to move everything to Stuart's and Carly's dad's place. Surprisingly, it took only 2 trips to move all our junk! We also had to stop off at a B & Q to pick up an electric hob for Stu's Crown Street house because the old one was a gas hob and had to be disconnected or something. After moving stuff, we had a barbeque because the weather was so gorgeous. It was really nice to sit outside and chill out. In April!
The neighbour's dog Bluebell came over at some point with her yellow ball, and we tossed it a couple of times around for her to catch. She wasn't exactly a very bright dog, because she put her ball in the bird bath, and when we pretended to throw it, she ran off to catch the imaginary ball. Towards the end, Stuart threw her ball over the garage roof to the back garden and she disappeared, re-appearing without her ball, looking everywhere for it. Stu had lost her ball! Poor Bluebell!
We left around 8pm, and made our way to Tesco to get some drinks and snacks, as we were staying over at Carly and Rob's place in Derby. Their house is really lovely. I hope that when I get my apartment with Stuart, I will keep it as tidy as theirs. We basically just chilled out all night, chatting over drinks, and played Mortal Kombat on Rob's PS3. He is really good at it! After that, we tried out the Playstation Move with some game I've forgotten the name of. We finally went to bed at almost 5am. I don't remember the last time I went to sleep that late (or that early!).
When we woke up, Carly made us a yummy breakfast of bacon and scrambled eggs, and we watched some terrible TV show called Gladiators or something. After that, we watched some programme about Princess Diana's life before we left for Nottingham.
The next few days were just spent chilling out and packing things into 2 large suitcases that we were taking down to London with us. It felt weird when Stuart went to work on Tuesday and I stayed in bed (I'd taken 3 days off work to help with the move). Felt kind of nice too, because it was just like when I was unemployed before, and Stu went to work and I stayed home. Kind of miss that now, especially the sleeping in. I hate my alarm clock with a vengeance more than ever nowadays.
Stuart decided to leave work for the last time at lunch time, so I met him at the main Post Office in town to set up the redirection thing for our mail. It felt quite surreal, knowing that we were walking through Nottingham for the last time. At about 5.30pm, we got a taxi to the train station to catch our train to London.
When we got to the platform, having gotten our tickets and everything in order, the train to St. Pancras was just pulling into the station, so we walked to our carriage and waited for people to alight. A train conductor (or someone who worked on that train) got off and held the door for us to get on the train, so we did, thinking it was ok to board the train since a member of staff let us on. Stuart struggled to get both massive, heavy suitcases on the train and place them in the baggage compartment, and then we found our seats. A few minutes later, another member of staff came in and very rudely said that we weren't supposed to be on the train, and that we had to get off. The stupidest thing was that the reason we weren't allowed on the train was that we might use the bathroom on board the train whilst it was in the station (his exact words were "it's someone's workplace"), and that we were only allowed to board the train 18 minutes past 6pm (our train was due to leave at 6.38pm). What a ridiculous thing! Plus, we asked if we could leave the heavy suitcases in the baggage compartment, instead of lugging them off to wait on the platform for 5 minutes, and then have to heave them back on again. But no... He insisted we take them out with us. What a douche.
The next few days was spent travelling around London like a tourist. It was quite fun actually! On Wednesday, Stu got it into his head that he wanted to see Little Ben, Big Ben's lesser known little brother! Since it was such a nice day, we decided to walk there. Along the way, we passed by a New Look, so I went in to buy some leggings, since the ones I have had holes in them. I also bought some harem trousers and a grey cardigan. At the checkout, I saw a pair of cute sunglasses, and bought them because I'd lost all my other pairs of sunglasses and I needed a pair at that point in time, because the sun was so bright. At £2.99, it was a steal! It took us another 2 hours to walk to Little Ben, although our journey was broken up by having an ice lolly and lunch (from Marks & Spencers).
We passed by Westminster Abbey on the way to Little Ben and it was PACKED, thanks to the Royal Wedding on Friday. It was ridiculous. People were camping along the road, in preparation to catch a 5 second glimpse of Prince William and Kate Middleton on their wedding day. Bad enough that the pavement was already blocked by the press setting up their cameras and what not!
On Friday, we went to JonP and Emma's house to watch the Royal Wedding, and for a champagne and cream tea breakfast.
And now I'm bored of writing this already long and rambling blog post.
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