Monday, November 8, 2010

Settling in properly

So, things have been going great.

I got my results back last week. They're not great, in fact some of them are quite shitty, but it's still not too bad. I got 58 for my dissertation, which I'm quite psyched about. Still haven't got back the marks for the examinations I re-sat in the summer. Just got to wait on those to come back before I get my overall mark for my degree.

I FINALLY set up the account for the flat to pay council tax. Turns out we have to pay about £200 between the two of us! Ridiculous! :(

Halloween was spent in Ocean. Holly went as a dead girl, and I went as a cowgirl (with the boots and hat and everything!). Ocean was packed and we ended up going back around 1am because it was boiling hot and some dickhead threw a full bottle of VK into the crowded dancefloor and it went all over both of us, ruining an otherwise good night.

On Sunday, Stu and I were invited to Dave and Hayley's for Sunday lunch and to book our holiday to Prague. It's all booked now, and we're going to Prague on my birthday! Woohoo! Of course, this is if I get my visa in time.

I bought a few simple cross-stitch pieces from John Lewis. I forgot how much I loved to do that. I wonder if the sewing books that Uncle Francis gave me are still around. I'm doing a small piece right now, of Mr. Happy. Unfortunately I've run out of the red thread for the balloon Mr. Happy is holding, so the piece is still unfinished. Grr.

Stuart and I have been playing Rock Band a lot lately. I bought Rock Band 3, which came out recently, and Lego Rock Band last week, and we spent this weekend playing Rock Band which is awesome! :)

Anyways, I can't think of anything to get Stuart for Christmas. Boys are so hard to get gifts for. Girls are a breeze! Of course, no one should ever give gift vouchers, unless they're someone you don't know very well. Otherwise it's just really impersonal.

I'm gonna put together a list of things I want for Christmas (because I'm very bored and Veronica Mars is over.). Obviously, a lot of them are impractical or simply wishful thinking, but whatever, it's MY list! :)

  1. Jennifer Aniston Eau de Parfum
  2. A job
  3. Digital camera
  4. Get my ears pierced
  5. Chanel classic flap bag
  6. Ugg boots
  7. New glasses
  8. Seventeen nail polish in Raspberry Mocha
  9. ASOS black leather aviator jacket
  10. HTC Desire Z
Hmm, my list isn't that long actually, which surprises me a lot, haha! Can't wait for Christmas! :)


  1. I will pierce your ears for free, and that's your Christmas present from me sorted! :D

  2. you might find a raspberry mocha under ur tree girl!
