Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Master of Science, Snow and 25 days to Christmas!

I meant to write this post 2 weeks ago, but I've been busy.


I got my results back from university 2 weeks ago. When I woke up on Monday morning, I suddenly remembered that results would be posted online, and so I rushed to check it out. When I saw on the portal under "Qualification Awarded" it said "MSc", I literally bounced around for joy. I rang Stuart immediately, since he knew how nervous I was about my results, and he didn't pick up immediately. He rang me back at once and I wanted to scream down the phone but Tsomo was still sleeping, heh. I called Mom and Dad right after that to tell them the good news. Right now I'm just waiting for the right certificates and letters to apply for my Post-Study Work visa. In between I've been applying for jobs, but no news on that right now.

Weather in Nottingham has been ridiculously cold for November. Granted, it is the last day of November today, but it's been SNOWING. I don't remember it snowing in November last year. Apparently it's been snowing so bad that schools and colleges in Nottinghamshire have closed. There are lots of happy children around, haha! As much as I love how the snow makes everything look so pretty and wintry and Christmasy, I absolutely hate it when it melts and freezes over, making everything icy and slippery. I had to go out to the post office today to send a book I managed to sell on Amazon.co.uk, and it's horrible. I'm so afraid of slipping and falling straight on my ass! Apparently the snow's going to get much worse. Some parts of the UK are affected really badly, with people snowed in and unable to get groceries because the stores couldn't get stock in.

Stu and I were talking about Thanksgiving a while back, and we decided that it's silly that Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here, and so I decided to make Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. I was going to make Thanksgiving dinner on Friday, but it was Mongolian Independence Day, so Tsomo made dinner instead and invited Jokha, Subha and James over. We played a few drinking games after dinner, which was very yummy, but I didn't get very far. Halfway through chatting and playing poker, I suddenly noticed it was snowing outside and practically screamed "IT'S SNOWING!". Tsomo and I were so excited and we ran downstairs to jump around in the snow and take pictures. The boys were all losers and stayed inside.

Saturday was spent in bed nursing a hangover, watching movies and having Chinese takeaway from Ocean City, conveniently located across the street. Did I mention that I love living so close to the city? Hehe!

I'm just sitting in bed now listening to Christmas songs. ONLY 25 DAYS TO CHRISTMAS!!! :) Pretty obvious I can't wait for Christmas, heh. Won't be the same without Uncle Francis, though. Sigh. It'll be the first Christmas without him, and it'll definitely be difficult to get through, since Christmas was always one of his favourite holidays and he always made a huge deal out of it.

Oh wells. I'm off for another cup of nice hot tea and to listen to more Christmas songs.

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